Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector |
Label | Collector Edition |
Line | Celestial Collection |
Character | Barbie |
Release Date | January 1, 2000 |
Designer(s) | N/A |
Face Sculpt | ©1991 Mackie |
Body Sculpt | TNT with two straight arms |
Hair Type | N/A |
Height | 11.5″ |
Hair Color | Blonde |
Eye Color | Brown |
UPC | 074299276880 |
Mattel SKU | 27688 |
Price | $49.98 USD |
“Barbie® doll looks dazzling in a slim golden metallic gown with a distinctive slit down the front of the bodice. A brilliant golden cape attaches to her wrists, then falls dramatically to the floor. Her shining accessories include a golden crown, golden armbands and a golden neckband with a sun medallion.” – barbiecollector.com

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