Barbie 2000 Childrens Collector Series Beauty from Beauty and the Beast

TypeCollector Edition
LineChildren's Collector Series
Release Date2000
Designer(s)Sharon Zuckerman
Face SculptBob Mackie
Body Sculpt???
Hair Type???
Hair ColorBrown, Black
Eye ColorGreen, Hazel, Brown
Collect item (25)

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Back of the Box and Official Description:

There once was a young girl who was so lovely and kind-hearted that everyone called her Beauty. She lived with her rich father and two older sisters. One day her father had business in town. “What gifts may I bring back for you my daughters?” he asked. “Jewels!” shouted the older girls. But Beauty asked only for a single rose.
Unfortunately, in town the man discovered all his riches had been stolen. On his way home, a violent storm blinded his path, but a mysterious light led him to a glowing palace. There, he discovered a beautiful rose garden magically blooming in the middle of winter. “At least I can bring Beauty a rose,” he thought.
“Thief!” howled a savage voice. “That rose shall cost you your life!” Finally the Beast agreed to let him go in exchange for the life of one of his daughters. Beauty said she must go, since it was her request for a rose that had caused the terrible trouble.
“No!” cried her father. But the girl insisted. She expected the Beast to kill her at once, but instead, he treated her with kindness and respect. Sometimes, she would read to him and soon, in spite of his frightful appearance, she looked forward to their time together.
Then one night, Beauty dreamed that her father was desperately ill. “I understand you must go see him,” said the Beast, “but promise me to return in a month for without you I will die.”
Upon seeing his youngest daughter, the old man soon became well. “Now I must keep my promise and go,” said Beauty. But her spiteful sisters, hoping the Beast would punish Beauty for being late, tricked her into staying longer. Soon Beauty dreamed the Beast was ill. Very upset, she hurried back to the palace only to find her friend almost dead. “Oh, dear Beast, do not die!” she sobbed. “You are so kind and good and I realize now how much I love you!”
As her tender tears washed over his face, the ugly Beast turned into a handsome prince. “Your love has released me from a spell of ugliness” he said joyfully. “Thank you for loving me beyond my appearance.” Soon they were married and lived happily ever after.

Final Doll in a special series featuring six beloved characters from Children’s Literature.

Barbie® doll is enchanting as the lovely princess, “Beauty”, inspired by the classic fairy tale, “Beauty and the Beast. ” A vision in golden fabric and lace, Barbie® is pretty enough to capture any prince’s heart. Her ball gown is exquisite in every detail, from sheer lace-trimmed sleeves to the delicate golden tulle peeking out from beneath the hem. Pink roses adorn Barbie® doll’s fitted bodice and the gathers of her sheer overskirt. Barbie® doll’s shiny brown hair cascades down her back in long curls.

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