Barbie 2000 Holiday Angel AA

TypeCollector Edition
LineHoliday Angel Series
Release Date2000
Face SculptAngel/Goddess
Body Sculpt???
Hair Type???
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorBrown
Collect item (3)

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Back of the Box and Official Description:

Throughout the decades, the holidays have kindled many thoughts of peace, harmony and good will. Who better to bring these loving thoughts to heart and mind than angels?
For centuries angels have been called the bringers of love and good tidings. Often believed to be the protectors and the unseen benefactors of mankind, angels have become icons for divine perfection.

Barbie looks lovely in a flowing ensemble, shimmering with golden highlights. Her angelic gown is made of an ivory shirred bodice accented with puffed sleeves, and a royal blue, full skirt, which opens in front to reveal a sheer white underskirt. The lovely gown is embellished with golden braid trim. A golden stole swirls all around her glittering ivory wings and golden halo.

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