Doll Description
The doll’s striking ensemble epitomizes Bob Mackie’s extravagant fashion style featuring ornate beading, sequins, and embroidery in gold, white and aqua tones. A criss-cross top, bare midriff, and a striking dual split skirt with golden train make up her dramatic gown. Atop her head is a spectacular eagle-inspired headpiece with geometric angles that extend down her back. Embroidered bracelets accented with golden beads shimmer on both wrists. Her jet black hair falls in floor-length black braids, accented with golden cord.
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Line | International Beauty |
Label | Gold Label Barbies |
Release Date | 2000 |
Designer(s) | Bob Mackie |
Face Sculpt | Angel/Goddess |
Body Sculpt | Shani |
Price | ???? |
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