Brand | Barbie |
Company | Mattel |
Series | Classic Ballet Series |
Label | Collector Edition |
Release date | 2001 |
SKU | #53867 |
UPC | 074299538674 |
Price | $34.95 |
Face Sculpt | ©1991 Mackie |
Body Sculpt | ??? |
Designer | Sharon Zuckerman |
Odette, a beautiful princess, is turned into a swan by Baron Von Rothbart, an evil magician. Only at midnight can she again become human for a few hours. One night, the princess is discovered by Prince Siegfried who falls deeply in love with her and pledges eternal fidelity. He promises to save her from the spell. But Rothbart tricks Siegfried to declare his love for his daughter, Odile, disguised as Odette. The prince discovers the horrible plot and rushes to Swan Lake to rescue his beloved.
Barbie® as Swan Ballerina is dressed in classic white ballet attire. Her costume features a shimmering tutu and a slim bodice embellished with a delicate appliqué that resembles feathers. Marabou feather armlets, sparkling white tights, and ballet slippers complete her swan-inspired ensemble.
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I had her as a kid! She was breathtaking
Me too! All I have left of her now is a slipper. I wonder where she ended up 🙁
just ordered this beauty. The early 2000’s ballerina barbies were so beautiful!