Barbie 2001 Fairy of the Garden

LabelCollector Edition
LineThe Enchanted World of Fairies
Release DateMarch 1, 2001
Face Sculpt©1991 Bob Mackie with pointed ears
Body SculptN/A
Hair TypeN/A
Hair ColorLight Brown
Eye ColorGreen
Mattel SKU28799
Price$49.98 USD
Collect item (57)

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“From an enchanted world of fairies, comes our second exquisite and magical fairy friend. Her flowing fairy dress in delicate hues of peach and pink resembles the colors of fragrant flower petals. And the only things sweeter than her pointed fairy ears and pointed fairy shoes, are her amazing wings glistening with special “fairy dust.” Watching over buttercups and morning glories, she is a garden sprite young and old alike will adore.” –

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