Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector Edition |
Line | Holiday Angel Series |
Release Date | 2001 |
Price | ??? |
Designer(s) | ??? |
Face Sculpt | Mackie |
Body Sculpt | ??? |
Hair Type | ??? |
Hair Color | Blonde |
Eye Color | Brown |
SKU | #29769 |
UPC | 074299297694 |
Back of the Box and Official Description:
A glowing sense of brightness and faith suddenly warms hearts. Against the winter evening, a tender sentiment raises spirits, sure and comforting as uplifted wings. The best gifts of this very special season impart feelings of peace and love.
Throughout the ages, this promise of goodwill and harmony has been delivered by holiday angels. These beautiful messengers are believed to present the holiday gifts of glad tidings, hope and joy.
Second in the Holiday Angel series, which brings together three popular collecting themes: the holiday season, angels and the Barbie doll. Barbie is a beautiful angel wearing a stunning outfit inspired by the festive hues of the Christmas season. Her red and gold dress is accented with a white bodice and sleeves and a distinctively textured white fabric flowing beneath the long red skirt. Completing Barbie doll’s outfit are delicate gold wings, a ribbon choker, and a sparkly gold halo.
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