Barbie 2001 Keepsake Treasures Curious George

TypeCollector Edition
LineKeepsake Treasures Collection
Release Date2001
Designer(s)Sharon Zuckerman
Face SculptBob Mackie
Body SculptTwist n Turn, One bent arm, Bend and snap legs
Hair Type???
Hair ColorBrown, Red
Eye ColorBlue
Collect item (18)

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Back of the Box and Official Description:

He was a good little monkey and always very curious.
Not so long ago, the man in the yellow hat found an ingenious little monkey and decided to name him George. The two had one exciting adventure after another. Although he was forever getting into mischief, George – with gentle guidance from the main in the yellow hat – always solved the problem. Through these unforgettable stories, he enchanted his adoring readers.
For over six decades, the escapades of the mischievous monkey and the man in the yellow hat have entertained boys and girls around the world. Margret and H.A. Rey, a husband and wife team, first introduced their captivating characters in wonderful, whimsical illustration drawn by H.A. in the cheery yellow book, Curious George, published in 1941.
Now, Curious George goes on a whole new marvelous adventure with a new friend, Barbie doll. Barbie wears a playful dress that depicts cherished moments from her favorite Curious George stories. She wears an enchanting yellow and white gingham outfit, trimmed with a crisp white collar and red and white trim. A fabulous white panel depicting George himself encircles her skirt. Yellow high-heeled Mary Janes and bold red earrings complement her look. Finally, a yellow and white gingham hat, an homage to the man in the yellow hat, completes her delightful ensemble. Beautifully reproduced in soft plush, George proudly accompanies her.
From the jungles of a far away continent to the hearts of children of all ages everywhere, Curious George remains a very treasured friend.

That mischievous monkey Curious George has always loved the man in the yellow hat, so how could he resist a pretty Barbie in a yellow gingham picture hat? This second entry in the Keepsake Treasures collection features Barbie dressed in an old-fashioned yellow gingham dress with a white collar and cuffs and red-striped trim. Her full skirt is decorated with a panel of material printed with Curious George playing with his beach ball, and her outfit is completed with red earrings and ring, white tights, and yellow shoes. Barbie has waist- length auburn hair, blue eyes, and bright red lipstick. Her precocious pal George is a tiny stuffed monkey made of velvety brown plush with felt face, hands, and feet. He and Barbie can link arms so that Barbie can hold George and keep him out of trouble. 

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