Barbie 2002 Barbie and Snoopy

TypeCollector Edition
LinePeanuts Series
Release Date2002
Face SculptCEO/Generation Girl
Body Sculpt???
Hair Type???
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorBlue
Collect item (22)

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Back of the Box and Official Description:

“It seems beyond the comprehension of people that someone can be born to draw comic strips. But I think I was. My ambition from earliest memory was to produce a daily comic strip” – Charles Schulz
The most successful comic strip in newspaper history, Peanuts appears in over 2500 newspapers worldwide and is translated into 21 languages. Introduced in 1950, the wonderful gang created by Charles Schulz brings us humor, fantasy and warmth. The tales of “that round-headed kid” Charlie Brown, his little sister Sally, Lucy, Linus, Marcie and Peppermint Patty touch our hearts and make us smile. Then there is Snoopy!
He’s an irrepressible beagle whom we know under many memorable guises. He’s Joe Cool, that suave ladies’ man. Flashbeagle in leg warmers and off-shoulder sweatshirt, the Foreign Legionnaire on a mission, the ever-watchful Vulture, the Writer with his trusty typewriter — no matter which Snoopy appears, he remains completely loveable and always entertaining. Even so, no character is more beloved than the Flying Ace.
Deep in a daydream atop his doghouse, Snoopy becomes World War I Flying Ace. In his Sopwith Camel, he carries on the fierce battle against his archenemy, The Red Baron. Shaking his clutched fist at the skies, he shouts his vow “Curse you, Red Baron!” and flies home.
Barbie doll and Snoopy, waring matching aviator ensembles, join together in a quest for The Red Baron. With goggles and silky red scarf blowing in the wind, Barbie is jaunty in her flying outfit. Faux leather jacket and tan aviator pants are sure to keep her warm on those long flights. A plush Snoopy comes complete with a matching red scarf and signature flying helmet.

Barbie® doll teams up with Snoopy to battle the dreaded Red Baron. Dressed for a ride in the Sopwith Camel, Barbie wears a white shirt, faux leather jacket, and striking red scarf. Boots and aviator goggles complete her classic attire. The adorable plush Snoopy, as the Flying Ace, wears his faux leather helmet and scarf.

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