Barbie 2002 Michelle Kwan Star Skater

Four-time World Champion figure skater Michelle Kwan has always dreamed of winning an Olympic gold medal. Watch for her at the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games! Since she was young, Barbie has dreamed of being the best skater in the world. Like Michelle Kwan, she hopes her dreams will come true at the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games. With an amazing performance, full of twirls and spins, she is sure to win!

Official Description: Star Skater Barbie wears a costume inspired by the Olympic Winter Games’ official colors of yellow, orange and blue. Barbie twirls and spins when a string on her back is pulled. The doll comes with a water bottle and a gold medal. Mattel chose to use Michelle as their spokesperson for Star Skater Barbie because of “her like-minded inspirational message of success from hard work and dedication.” Michelle said “It’s my personal philosophy to, ‘Work hard, be yourself and have fun’ that really coincides with the Barbie brand message of inspiring girls everywhere to be whatever they want to be.

Michelle Kwan is an Olympic Silver and Bronze medalist, five-time World Champion, and nine-time United States Champion figure skater. She is fluent in both Cantonese and English, and was born in the United States in 1980. At the time that this doll was released, she had not yet won her fifth World Championship as a figure skater, but would go on to do so in 2003. According to the United States Olympic & Paralympic Museum, she sits as the most decorated figure skater in the United States, with a victorious 43 championships. In addition to her accolades as an Olympic and World Champion figure skater, she was the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States to Belize from October 7, 2022 until January 16th, 2025. She has a master’s degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in International Relations.

The photographs of this doll are provided by We R Toys at

Release Date2002
CharacterReal Person: Michelle Kwan (Famous Olympic Figure Skater)
Face SculptKayla/Lea
Body Sculpt2002 Star Skater
Hair TypeKanekalon
Height11.5″ (29 cm)
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorBrown
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