Barbie 2003 Fairytopia Magical Mermaid Kayla

Release Date2003
Face SculptKayla/Lea
Body SculptBelly Button
Hair TypeKanekalon
Hair ColorBlonde,Blue
Eye ColorBlue
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Back of the Box and Official Description:

If you’re pure of heart, kind in spirit, and truly believe in your wildest dreams, you will find your way to Fairytopia. There you’ll find all the magical creatures of your fantasies. What are you waiting for? Journey to Fairytopia.

Barbie® doll and her friends live under the sea as gorgeous mermaids with magical sculpted tail fins with sparkling jewels. Their tails are flexible and can be moved back and forth and rotated 360 degrees. Barbie® doll and her mermaid friends have lovely long flowing hair with colorful highlights and come with a sparkly comb and a crown so she is princess of the sea!

Instructions Leaflets:

This doll was part of the first lineup of Fairytopia dolls prior to the release of the 2005 movie, and does not make an appearance in the movie.
You can view a commercial promoting the Fairytopia Sparkle Fairy & Magical Mermaid dolls uploaded to Youtube below by the channel My Doll Cabinet.

The Fairytopia Sparkle Fairy and Magical Mermaid dolls came packaged with a small pop-up book, which you can see scans of below.

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