LineBarbie Fantasy Tales
Release Date2004
SetTea Party Kelly (Mint & Pink)
Face Sculpt1994 Kelly (Open Mouth)
Hair Type???
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorGreen, Brown, Hazel
SKUG8381 (Asst. G8380)
Collect item (1)

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Back of the Box:

You’re invited to tea…with all of the Barbie Fantasy Tales Tea Party Princesses!
The Barbie princesses gathered for tea in the royal garden, and they welcomed their young friends who were so excited to be a part of their world.

Every little princess feels so grown up at a tea party, especially when she’s wearing a beautiful dress and something pretty in her hair.
As the afternoon party grew to an end, the little princesses with their best manners, politely said to their hostesses, “Thank you all so much for a wonderful time.”


Kelly was also released as an African-American variant.
The Fantasy Tales Tea Party dolls were released under the Princess Collection in some regions, whilst the Fantasy Tales line as a whole was also named the Fairy Tale Collection in some regions.

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