Barbie 2004 Fantasy Tales Tea Party Nutcracker Clara

LineBarbie Fantasy Tales / Barbie in The Nutcracker
Release Date2004
Face SculptCEO/Generation Girl
Body SculptBelly Button
Hair TypeSaran
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorBlue
Collect item (12)

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Back of the Box and Official Description:

You’re invited to tea…with all of the Barbie Fantasy Tales Tea Party Princesses!
The little bird flew from castle to castle, cheerfully delivering invitations to the Barbie princesses requesting their presence at the royal tea party.

Excitedly, they each said they would love to attend, adding that a tea party is about sharing special times with friends.
At last, it was the day of the party. Dressed in a beautiful tea dress, Barbie doll as Clara, arrived exactly on time with a friend, the gingerbread man. It was a wonderful afternoon for everyone!

Barbie doll’s favorite Princesses are getting ready for their first get together. Barbie as Rapunzel, Barbie in the Nutcracker, Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper and Barbie of Swan Lake are all dressed up ready to go to their first tea party wearing dreamy dresses in a their own signature style as seen in their video movie. Each doll comes with a teapot and cups on a tray and a cuddly plush friend. 


Clara also was released as an African-American variant.
Other princesses in the Fantasy Tales Tea Party line had deluxe versions released with a child-sized tea set, Clara did not have a deluxe set release.
The Fantasy Tales Tea Party dolls were released under the Princess Collection in some regions, whilst the Fantasy Tales line as a whole was also named the Fairy Tale Collection in some regions.

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