Barbie 2005 Fairytopia Petal Pixies Omma

Release Date2005
Hair TypeSaran
Hair ColorPurple
Eye ColorPurple
Collect item (18)

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Official Description:

These cute little characters live in Fairytopia™. Collectible small dolls approximately 5” include happy elves and little fairy dolls wearing flower inspired dresses. Unique teardrop package.


This doll comes as part of a two-pack with Organza.
There is no official distinction between which in the set is Omma and which is Organza, however it is generally assumed that the naming refers to the position of each doll in the packaging and how the names run.
These flower-style Petal Pixies are also alternatively officially listed as Flower Fairies.
Omma and Organza were originally going to be named “Opal and Olisa”, as listed in the assortment description for the Flower Fairy Assortment here.

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