Barbie 2007 Lady of the Unicorns

Doll Description

In a far-off time of madrigals and magic, a lovely lady waits in a lush wooded clearing. Soon, the elusive unicorn comes forth- pure white from head to hoof, with a single, spiraled horn, and brilliant eyes that glitter in the muted sunlight. A mythical being with special powers, he is said to bring eternal happiness to one who touched him. Enchanted by the maiden’s beauty and grace, he draws near and sits beside her, offering his mystery, magic, and love!

Inspired by medieval legends, Lady of the Unicorns Barbie doll by Bob Mackie wears a flowing gown of deep green velvet, embellished with a swirling ribbon. A truly intriguing Barbie fantasy of the lady and the unicorn that is completely Bob Mackie!

Frequently Asked Questions

LineBob Mackie Collection
LabelGold Label Barbies
Release Date2007
Designer(s)Bob Mackie
Face Sculpt1998 Lara/Ana
Body Sculpt???
Collect item (3)

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