Barbie Fairy-tastic Princess (Purple and Blue)

Release Date2009
Face SculptCEO/Generation Girl
Body Sculpt2008 Body, wing attachment, 3 levers in back, bend and snap knees
Hair TypeSaran
Hair ColorPurple, Pink
Eye ColorPurple
SKUP6564 (Assortment P5090)
Collect item (5)

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Back of the Box and Official Description:

As a princess she gets to dance and play
In her beautiful castle all day
But wait! There’s more! She’s a butterfly too
With those beautiful wings see what she can do.

The best of both worlds!

Make fashion magic with Barbie doll as a beautiful princess or a fantastic fairy! With the push of a button, Barbie doll’s shimmering princess gown transforms into gorgeous sparkling fairy wings that flutter! Wings detach to make the perfect princess again and again! 


The Fairy-tastic series was originally going to be part of the Fairytopia line, with the Fairy-tastic Princess originally an Elina doll.
A prototype image was included in the Mattel 2009 dealer’s catalogue for Spring/Fall:

Image credit to loonaeves on Twitter
Uploaded by BB’s Dolls and TV Archive
Uploaded by BB’s Dolls and TV Archive

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