2009 Barbie as Aphrodite

Sources: BidSquare, Amazon, Ebay Listing

Product description

“Among the favorite stories of ancient Greek mythology is that of the beautiful goddess Aphrodite. Born from the foam of ocean waves, she was whisked to the shores on a shell. Soon after her birth, Zeus- the supreme ruler of the gods and goddess of Mount Olympus- married her off to Hephaestus, the smith god. But the goddess of love and beauty was partial to glamour and fun; and she loved and was loved by gods and mortals alike.

The alluring tale of the lovely Aphrodite inspires a wonderful re-interpretation. Barbie doll as Aphrodite wears a flowing gown of aquamarine silk shantung decorated with white and mauve ruffles. The golden hairstyle features waves and curls inspired by the sea. Softly gleaming faux mother-of-pearl embellishes the jewelry suite. Ancient myth and contemporary fashion combine to create a magical doll.”

Mattel Product Description: “The Greek Goddess of Love arises in a stunning seafoam blue gown with a spray of white and golden ruffles.
For the adult collector.”

This doll was a Gold Label Collector release, and was a Limited Edition of 4,300. It is also the second release in the Goddess Series. On the box, it also has a special tag commemorating Barbie’s 50th Anniversary.

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TypeLimited Edition Collector
Release DateJune 1st, 2009
Designer(s)Linda Kyaw
Face Sculpt©2008 Aphrodite (Open Mouth Mackie)
Body SculptModel Muse
Hair TypeUnknown
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorGrey
Skin ToneNostalgic
Mattel SKUN5020

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