Barbie 2010 Barbie Basics Look No. 01 — Collection Red

Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector |
Label | Black |
Line | Barbie Basics |
Exclusivity | Target Exclusive |
Release Date | September 1, 2010 |
Designer(s) | Bill Greening |
UPC | 027084945157 |
Mattel SKU | V0337 |
Price | $14.95 USD |
“Customize. Personalize. Play.
What’s red, and white, and oh so stylish? This Target-exclusive accessory pack for the Barbie Basics™ line, of course! Features chic accessories including 2 Target mini magazines, 2 pairs of red heels, 2 pairs of white heels, stylish white ankle boots with a red stripe, red and white chunky bracelets, a white purse, a coffee cup with Target logo, laptop, sunglasses, print scarf, and “leather” belt. And don’t forget the furry and fashionable friend! A cute little pooch with matching leash is the ultimate fashionista accessory!” –

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