2010 I Heart Barbie Shanghai Barbie

Sources: Paul DollyTemptation on Flickr; Barbie Wiki

Product description

“Every girl is a VIP at Barbie Shanghai. Welcome to an exclusive spot where girls of all ages can experience the ultimate Barbie fantasy- a beautiful pink place to live, play, and dream.


This doll is a part of a pair of two released in 2010, sold in the House of Barbie Shanghai, China. This Barbie is the only doll in the Shanghai Barbie releases to have the CEO or Generation Girl face mold. She comes with: her dog on a leash, assorted fashion accessories, magazines, and an extra outfit on a mannequin. 

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Release Date2010
Face Sculpt1998 CEO/Generation Girl (GG)
Body SculptBelly Button
Hair TypeUnknown
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorBlue

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