Barbie 2011 The Museum Collection Inspired by Gustav Klimt

LabelPink Label
LineThe Museum Collection
Release Date16th June 2011
Designer(s)Linda Kyaw
Face SculptAphrodite
Body SculptModel Muse
Hair Type???
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorGreen
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Back of the Box and Official Description:

Adele Bloch-Bauer I. This magnificent portrait of the wife of a Viennese sugar magnate glimmers with gold and silver leaf. Extravagant and sumptuous, the painting captures Adele in a dazzling canvas inspired by Byzantine mosaics and Egyptian motifs. Considered the masterpiece of his “Golden” period, Gustav Klimt spent 3 years completing this spectacular work, which depicts the only woman he ever painted twice.
The portrait, Adele Bloch-Bauer I, was created by Gustav Klimt. A Symbolist painter of the Belle Epoque and leader of the Vienna Secession, Klimt dominated the Austrian art scene at the turn of the century. Barbie doll celebrates Klimt’s opulent vision and the golden glory of Adele Bloch-Bauer I with Barbie Doll Inspired by Gustav Klimt, part of The Museum Collection.

An amazing fusion of fashion and fine art, the Museum Collection dolls are a feast for the eyes! Gustav Klimt Barbie doll echoes the artist’s portrait, Adele Bloch-Bauer I, reflecting the painting’s Byzantine mosaics and Egyptian motifs. She wears a halter gown with silvery trim, draped chiffon sleeves and bustle, as well as silvery choker and cuffs, and her curly parted hair and posable hands suggest the original. She is a magnificent muse both in and out of her exquisite packaging.

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