Barbie 2011 The Museum Collection Inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci

LabelPink Label
LineThe Museum Collection
Release Date16th June 2011
Designer(s)Linda Kyaw
Face SculptBob Mackie
Body SculptModel Muse
Hair Type???
Hair ColorBrown
Eye ColorBrown
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Back of the Box and Official Description:

Mona Lisa. The enigmatic portrait, “La Gioconda,” is often called the most famous painting in the world. Mysterious and beautiful, this masterpiece of the High Renaissance has beguiled art lovers for over 500 years. The riddle of Mona Lisa and her smile has inspired poems, songs, plays, and novels. Once owned by the King of France and Napoleon Bonaparte, the painting now belongs to the people of France-and the art lovers of the world-and is housed at the Louvre.
Mona Lisa was created by Leonardo da Vinci. A true Renaissance man, Leonardo was an artist, sculptor, scientist, inventor, engineer: a genius who was perhaps the most creative mind of his era. Barbie doll celebrates the brilliance of Leonardo and the splendor of Mona Lisa with Barbie Doll Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci, part of The Museum Collection.

An amazing fusion of fashion and fine art, the Museum Collection dolls are a feast for the eyes! Leonardo da Vinci Barbie doll evokes the mysterious Mona Lisa with her enigmatic expression, long flowing hair, and brocade gown featuring a laced satin bodice with beautifully detailed sleeves. We may never know the mystery of her smile, but one thing is sure — this lovely doll is a true work of art, both in and out of her packaging.

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