Doll Description
She’s a glamazon from the Amazon, a Latin bombshell as hot and steamy as Rio. This tutti fruitti beauty celebrates the vibrant rhythms of Brazil: the sultry samba, the bossa nova. And while performing in her tropical wonderland, the perfect, jazzy fashion fantasy is festooned with brilliant yellow bananas! Bob Mackie draws inspiration from a South American paradise. Brazilian Banana Bonanza™ Barbie® wears an exuberant, white-and-lime striped sarong. The dramatic skirt is edged with a bounty of “bananas.” Her basket headpiece holds “fruit” and hibiscus “blossoms.” Lace up platform sandals and colorful earrings and bangles complete her look. The final pièce de résistance is her favorite companion— an exotic “feathered” friend.
Frequently Asked Questions
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Line | Bob Mackie Collection |
Label | Gold Label Barbies |
Release Date | 2012 |
Designer(s) | Bob Mackie |
Face Sculpt | CEO/Generation Girl |
Body Sculpt | Modified Model Muse |
Price | ???? |
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Went down a rabbit-hole and found an archived page from the barbiecollector.com website. Found the link via an archived page from Bob Mackie’s website. Seems that this doll was originally $150.