Barbie 2013 La Reine de la Nuit Barbie Doll (AA)

ExclusivityNational Barbie Doll Collectors Convention Exclusive
Release DateJuly 10, 2013
Designer(s)Edge of 17
Face Sculpt©1991 Mackie
Body SculptModel Muse
Hair TypeN/A
Hair ColorWhite, Black (Multicolor)
Eye ColorBlue
Mattel SKUX8286
Collect item (11)

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“The 2013 National Barbie® Doll Collectors Convention welcomes you to The Big Easy to celebrate our own favorite queen of the night. Celebrating the mysterious magic of NOLA, La Reine de la Nuit™ Barbie® doll is designed by Edge of 17. This creative duo has been shaking up the one-of-a-kind doll world since 2008 with their cutting edge, celebrity, and rocker themed dolls. Their inspiration was born from Raphael Estrada’s undying passion for music and underground fashion. A professional hair stylist and an avid collector of celebrity dolls, he also focused his talent on creating remarkable celebrity dolls. Joseph Kenyon, the other half of Edge of 17, contributes his talent for both design and business. Together, they have donated many OOAK dolls to conventions and charity events.” – back of box

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