Barbie 2014 Fifth Harmony Ally

SeriesFifth Harmony
Based onAlly Brooke
Release date2014
Retail price$19.99
Face sculpt2011 New Summer
Body2014 Fashionistas body, 5 points of articulation
Hair typeUnknown
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Anything is possible — especially when you’re having fun with your girls! Fifth Harmony fans, or Harmonizers, will love this doll that represents Ally from Fifth Harmony. She’s ready to rock in a fashion inspired by the outfit worn in the Fearsome Fivesome’s Barbie™ music video. A pink fun and flirty floral jumpsuit looks picture perfect with a pink tuxedo jacket that has dramatic black lapels. Accessories include statement jewelry and an amazing pair of neon green heels for her signature pop of color. Fans will love playing out the stories of musical superstars with this fabulous doll. Collect all the girls for your own Fifth Harmony show; each sold separately, subject to availability. Includes doll wearing fashion and accessories. Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.

  • Harmonizers will love this doll that represents spunky Ally from the amazing girl group Fifth Harmony.
  • She is ready to rock in a fashion inspired by the outfit worn in the group’s Barbie™ music video.
  • A fun and flirty pink floral jumpsuit looks picture perfect with a pink tuxedo jacket.
  • Accessories include statement jewelry and an amazing pair of neon green heels for her signature pop of color.
  • Collect them all for your own Fifth Harmony show (each sold separately)!

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