Barbie 2015 Faraway Forest Lady of the White Woods

Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector |
Label | Gold |
Quantity Produced | 4400 |
Exclusivity | Mattel Direct Exclusive |
Line | Faraway Forest |
Character | Barbie |
Release Date | January 4, 2015 |
Designer(s) | Bill Greening |
Face Sculpt | ©2009 Glimmer/Louboutin |
Body Sculpt | Model Muse, Straight Arms |
Skin Tone | Peace |
Hair Type | N/A |
Height | 11.5″ |
Hair Color | Brown |
Eye Color | Blue |
UPC | 887961066531 |
Mattel SKU | CGK94 |
Price | $100.00 USD |
“The second doll in the Faraway Forest™ Collection is a mythical beauty adorned in a gown with coppery branches, ruffled tiers of ethereal novelty knit, and a bodice wrapped in lace. Her crown, neckpiece, and shoes share the natural motif and are accented with a feather design. Bold armbands complete the look.” –

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