In the action-adventure film, Barbie, a world-class gymnast, is recruited to be a world-class secret agent along with her friends Teresa and Renee. The three take their teamwork from the gymnasium to the city – and around the globe – to stop an infamous cat burglar in her tracks. The secret agent dolls sport iconic outfits from the film that capture a clever disguise or a cool spy look. Barbie doll sparkles wearing a glittery pink trench coat and spy sunglasses. Secret-agents-in-training will love recreating action scenes from the film or spinning new spy adventures.

Source(s): Amazon
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Playline |
Label | None |
Line | Spy Squad |
Release Date | 2016 |
Character | Barbara Millicent “Barbie” Roberts |
Face Sculpt | 2013 Millie Open Mouth |
Body Sculpt | 2015 Fashionistas |
Hair Type | Saran |
Height | 11.5″ (29 cm) |
Hair Color | Blonde, Pink |
Eye Color | Blue |
Mattel SKU | DHF20 |
Price | $10.99 USD |
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