Barbie 2018 Barbie Batik Kirana Kawung Manis

Company Mattel
Brand Barbie
Type Collector
Label Special Edition
Line Barbie X Iwan Tirta Private Collection
Exclusivity Indonesia Exclusive
Character Barbie
Release Date October 2, 2018
Designer(s) Iwan Tirta Private Collection
Face Sculpt ©2014 Neysa
Body Sculpt Pivotal
Hair Type N/A
Height 11.5″
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
UPC 887961747096
Mattel SKU GDL90
Price Rp 299.900 ($19.86 USD)
Collect item (5)

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This doll was chosen as Dollect’s Doll of the Day on

August 17th 2023

Click here to view all previous Dolls of the Day!

Product description 

“The ‘Kawung’ has four sides that represents wisdom. This pattern on the Kawung Manis represents the hope to always be wise, to remember your origins and to always be humble. Wouldn’t it be fun to make your very own Kawung? Give it a try — let’s get creative!

‘Kawung’ memiliki empat sisi yang mencerminkan kebijaksanaan. Pola pada Kawung manis mencerminkan harapan untuk selalu menjadi bijaksana, ingat akan asal-usul kamu dan selalu rendah hati. Membuat Kawung kamu sendiri itu menyenangkan. Kamu mau mencobanya? Ayo mejadi kreatif!” – Back of box

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