Barbie 2018 Faraway Forest Prince of the Fairy Kingdom Doll

ExclusivityMattel Direct Exclusive
LineFaraway Forest
SetFairy Kingdom Wedding Dolls Giftset
Release DateApril 30, 2018
Designer(s)Bill Greening
Face Sculpt©2017 Ken Faraway Forest
Body SculptArticulated Ken
Hair TypeN/A
Hair ColorBrown
Eye ColorBlue
Mattel SKUFJH81
Price$150.00 USD
Other doll in SetMaiden of the Meadows
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“A royal celebration is underway in the fairy kingdom and everyone gathers to glimpse the beautiful maiden! As the pair exchange their marriage vows, an enchantress magically transforms their wedding attire. The matching outfits symbolize her gift of everlasting unity.

As the sixth and seventh dolls in the Faraway Forest™ series, this royal couple is the crown jewel of the Faraway Forest™ Collection.

Golden details printed on lavender fabric create a brocade look reminiscent of medieval tapestries. The bride is dressed in a flowing empire waist gown trimmed with gold accents. Her crown-to-floor veil cascades over her long red hair. She carries a delicate bouquet of flowers from her meadow.

The prince is striking in his royal tunic, also trimmed in gold and worn over velvet-textured pants. His unique sculpt includes pointed ears. As the wedding celebration begins, the fairy prophecy has finally been fulfilled. All lands rejoice as once again peace reigns in Faraway Forest™.” – 

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