Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector |
Label | Black |
Line | Inspiring Women Series |
Character | Barbie as Amelia Earhart |
Release Date | May 7, 2018 |
Designer(s) | Bill Greening |
Face Sculpt | ©1991 Mackie |
Body Sculpt | Fashionista standard torso, articulated arm, flat feet |
Hair Type | N/A |
Height | 11.5″ |
Hair Color | Brown |
Eye Color | Grey |
UPC | 887961537093 |
Mattel SKU | FJH64 |
Price | $29.99 USD |

November 28th 2023
Click here to view all previous Dolls of the Day!Product description
“Barbie® recognizes all female role models. The Inspiring Women™ Series pays tribute to incredible heroines of their time; courageous women who took risks, changed rules, and paved the way for generations of girls to dream bigger than ever before. Born in Kansas in 1897, Amelia Mary Earhart exuded a spirit of adventure even as a young child. That young adventurous girl later became the first female aviator to ever fly across the Atlantic Ocean. Throughout her career, Amelia courageously challenged the conventions of the times; she broke and set aviation records for women. She believed her accomplishments would prove men and women could be equal in jobs. In 1937, in what was to be a record-making flight as the first woman to fly solo around the world, Amelia Earhart and her plane vanished without a trace. The Barbie® Inspiring Women™ Amelia Earhartdoll celebrates the ground-breaking achievements, heroism, and long-lasting contribution Amelia made in aviation and for women. Her legacy lives on and inspires others to soar in their own adventures. Includes doll, doll stand and Certificate of Authenticity.”
Fashion: Jacket, bodysuit, scarf, helmet
Fashion Sewn On: No
Accessories: Goggles, map
– barbie.mattel.com

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