Barbie 2021 Inspiring Women Maya Angelou

LineInspiring Women Series
CharacterBarbie as Maya Angelou
Release DateJanuary 14, 2021
Designer(s)Carlyle Nuera
Face Sculpt©2022 Maya Angelou (Sculpted to Likeness)
Body SculptCurvy Collector
Hair TypeN/A
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorBrown
Mattel SKUGXF46, GYH04
Price$29.99 USD
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Product Description

“Barbie® recognizes all female role models. The Inspiring Women™ Series pays tribute to incredible heroines of their time; courageous women who took risks, changed rules and paved the way for generations of girls to dream bigger than ever before. As a writer, author, activist, and teacher, Dr. Maya Angelou has received numerous awards and accolades including over 50 honorary doctorates, the Presidential Medal of Freedom and a National Book Award nomination for her 1970 autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. In 1993, she became the first African American and female poet to speak at a U.S. Presidential inauguration. Maya Angelou Barbie® doll is being presented to honor the history and impact of Dr. Maya Angelou’s activism, work and achievements. Sculpted to her likeness and dressed in a head wrap and dress with floral print, Maya Angelou Barbie® doll features a curvy body and articulation for endless posing possibilities. With displayable packaging, this celebration of Dr. Maya Angelou’s extraordinary life and work makes a great gift for Barbie® collectors and kids ages 6 years old and up. Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.”  —

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