Barbie the Album – Fragility Slipmat – Barbie the Movie

“This design spins out Barbie’s iconic “B” monogram into a hypnotic pattern, matching the psychedelic pink energy of the film’s Barbie Land with a dizzying array of candy hearts & fashion logos. The slipmat also functions as a zoetrope, a pre-cinema animation technique which pairs the rotating record with a shutter to create the illusion of a persistent visual. Watch through a phone camera under a bright light to see the letters spiral — with such a star-studded soundtrack, it’s only right that the illustrations get to dance as well!” – Vinyl Me, Please website

CompanyMattel and Vinyl Me, Please
LineBarbie the Movie
ExclusivityVinyl Me, Please
Release DateNovember 1, 2023
PriceNon-Vinyl-Me-Please-Members: $21.00 (USD)
Members: $18.00 (USD)
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