Moon Oral Beauty – Brush Head 2-Pack – Barbie the Movie

  • A 2-pack of brush head replacements that pair with MOON’s Pink Electric Toothbrush
  • Additional replacement brush heads will continue to be available for future replenishment and are not limited edition
  • Each brush head features 720 tapered, ultra-fine Dupont bristles that offer deeper reach, surface cleansing to prevent stains, and last 4x longer than natural brush bristles.
What’s Inside

2 Interchangeable brush heads featuring cutting-edge, ultra-strong bristles with a superfine feel.

  • Pairs exclusively with the MOON Electric Toothbrush.
  • Insert the brush head into the handle, while leaving a small amount of space to allow for sonic vibrations.
  • Place the bristles against the teeth at a 45 degree angle towards gumline. Move the bristles slowly in circular motion. Do not scrub teeth, but apply light pressure to allow sonic vibrations to deeply clean. Replace brush heads every 3 months.

-from the Moon Oral Beauty website

CompanyMattel and Moon Oral Beauty
LineBarbie the Movie
Release DateJune 22, 2023
Price$16.99 (USD)
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