Detangler Brush – Barbie the Movie

“One of the many things the various Barbies are known for is their gorgeous hairdos, so what better way to help you enjoy those same luscious locks then with this Barbie The Movie detangler brush! Designed to leave your hair knot-free, it has bristles of different lengths for more effective detangling and a curved handle so that you have more control when brushing. In true Barbie fashion, it’s in a fun pink shade and has been bedazzled with sparkling diamantés to create the iconic film logo. Working with all hair types, it can be used on wet or dry hair to help create the silky styles you dream of!”-Primark website
Company | Mattel and Primark |
Brand | Barbie |
Line | Barbie the Movie |
Exclusivity | N/A |
Release Date | July 3, 2023 |
Designer(s) | N/A |
UPC | N/A |
Ref# | 991076344306 |
Price | £4.50 |
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