Diamanté Makeup Bag – Barbie the Movie

“Made from a pink (obviously) transparent material, this Barbie The Movie diamanté makeup bag is so flippin’ fabulous, any doll deserves it in their collection. It’s structured to a rectangular silhouette with a zip-top fastening to secure the contents with ease — that means you can chuck this cosmetic case into a large work bag, weekend bag or suitcase to take your best pieces on the road with you — while the front features a pink and silver metallic Barbie logo that’s surrounded by scattered gemstones, which add a touch of sparkle! In summary, this is your Barbie dream makeup bag.”-Primark website
Company | Mattel and Primark |
Brand | Barbie |
Line | Barbie the Movie |
Exclusivity | N/A |
Release Date | July 3, 2023 |
Material(s) | Polyester 50% PVC – Plastic Sheet 50% |
Designer(s) | N/A |
UPC | N/A |
Ref# | 991076565306 |
Price | £5.00 |
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