Tweezers and Eyelash Curler Set – Barbie the Movie

“Add some Barbie magic to your beauty routine with this Barbie The Movie eyelash curler and tweezer set! Helping to enhance the natural look of your lashes, the curlers feature a thick handle for a firmer grip and have a pink colour palette in true Barbie style. The tweezers boast a thick, slanted tip to allow for more precise plucking and star a pink and white striped design that’s topped with the Barbie Movie logo for a special touch that all fans will love. Whether you’re perfecting that gorgeous eye look or just doing some beauty upkeep, this Barbie set might just outshine your other beauty tools!”-Primark website
Company | Mattel and Primark |
Brand | Barbie |
Line | Barbie the Movie |
Exclusivity | N/A |
Release Date | July 3, 2023 |
Designer(s) | N/A |
UPC | N/A |
Ref# | 991077195306 |
Price | £3.50 |
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