President Barbie in Pink and Gold Dress – Barbie The Movie

“This collectible doll is inspired by President Barbie in Barbie The Movie. She looks absolutely radiant in her gorgeous presidential gown. A multi-layered skirt, sparkling gold accents, and satiny sash add beautiful detail to her cinematic look. Celebrating Barbie The Movie, this doll makes a great gift for fans and collectors alike.
-Full, satiny gown features a sparkly off-shoulder bodice
-Shimmery gold accents trail down the skirt
-Styled with bouncy curls and an elaborate statement necklace
-Presidential sash with gold tassel adds a finishing touch
-Posable doll comes in collectible Barbie The Movie packaging” – Mattel Creations website
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector |
Label | Black |
Line | Barbie The Movie |
Exclusivity | N/A |
Character | President Barbie |
Release Date | June 1, 2023 |
Designer(s) | Carlyle Nuera |
Face Sculpt | N/A |
Body Sculpt | Female hero |
Hair Type | ???? |
Height | ???? |
Hair Color | Brown |
Eye Color | Brown |
SKU | HPK05 |
UPC | 194735160693 |
Price | $50.00 |
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