55th Anniversary Christie

“In 1968, Christie debuted and quickly became one of Barbie’s BFFs. To celebrate her 55th anniversary, we reimagined one of her beachy looks from the 1960s with modern details. Christie turns heads at a glamorous poolside soirée in a bright orange dress paired with a sheer overlay in a swirling, mod print. Strappy orange boots, golden hoops, and a “C” monogram necklace complement her floor-sweeping high-low look. Gorgeous curls swept back from her face showcase coral-hued makeup that nods to the original doll.”- Mattel Creations website
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Line | Year of Friends |
Exclusivity | Barbie Signature Membership |
Label | Gold |
Character | Christie |
Release Date | February 27, 2023 |
Designer(s) | Bill Greening |
Face Sculpt | Simone |
Body Sculpt | Model Muse Curvy |
Hair Type | ???? |
Height | N/A |
Hair Color | Brunette |
Eye Color | Brown |
SKU | #HJX29 |
Price | $55.00 |
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