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Mattel Creations Listing Version 1 Description: Expand your wardrobe with our classic embroidered Barbie Beanie. Finished with a pom-pom on top, it offers tons of warmth and comfort, and it’s destined to find its way into all your favorite cold-weather looks.
Mattel Creations Listing Version 2 Description: Expand your wardrobe with our classic embroidered Barbie Beanie. Perfectly pink and playfully adorned with a pom-pom on top, it offers tons of warmth and comfort, and it’s destined to find its way into all your favorite cold-weather looks.
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Merchandise (Clothing) |
Line | 2023 MC Winter Collection |
Exclusivity | Mattel Creations |
Size(s) | One Size |
Hat Dimensions | 12in (30.5cm) Knit 3in (7.6cm) Cuff |
Material(s) | 100% Acrylic |
Release Date | November 7th, 2023 |
Country Make | Vietnam |
UPC | N/A |
Mattel SKU | 5684766_8360 |
Price | $25.00 |
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