Hair Turban – Barbie the Movie

“You can see it now, Barbie sat at her vanity, hair turban on and preparing to undertake a glorious self-care ritual. Take note, because that should be you. Perhaps the first step is you making this Barbie The Movie hair turban yours. Arriving in an icy blue colourway that’s peppered with pale pink logos, this hair towel is designed to perfectly wrap around your tresses with a button fastening at the back to keep it secure on the head. Since it’s a great alternative to blow drying, on your next wash day, why not forgo the heat and plop your hair in this towel for enhanced drying time without the potential for causing damage? We like to do a face mask at the same time, but you do you.”-Primark website
Company | Mattel and Primark |
Brand | Barbie |
Line | Barbie the Movie |
Exclusivity | N/A |
Release Date | July 3, 2023 |
Designer(s) | N/A |
UPC | N/A |
Ref# | 991077311306 |
Price | £3.50 |
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