Water Bottle – Barbie the Movie

“Make staying hydrated a little more Barbie-inspired with our Barbie Land water bottle! Donning a shimmery blue hue, it sports a fun all-over Barbie Land print in a contrasting white colour. Benefitting from an easy-to-use screw top lid, this always-in-your-bag accessory will help keep your drink cooler for longer (thanks, stainless steel design!). Mix with our many other Barbie products to achieve the full fan vibe you’ve been dreaming of.”-Primark website
Company | Mattel and Primark |
Brand | Barbie |
Line | Barbie the Movie |
Exclusivity | N/A |
Release Date | July 3, 2023 |
Material(s) | Stainless Steel 100% |
Designer(s) | N/A |
UPC | N/A |
Ref# | 991076026306 |
Price | £9.00 |
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