Fashion Photo P.J. Reproduction

“We’re getting glammed up with our Fashion Photo P.J. Barbie doll. Debuting in 1978, P.J. dazzled from the disco to the photoshoot. For this 45th anniversary collectible reproduction, Fashion Photo P.J. is dressed in a metallic silver body suit with azure pants and a layered sheer tricolor overskirt and comes with two additional skirts. With a classic twisting waist and bendable legs, Fashion Photo P.J. is ready to strike a pose and turn heads.”- Mattel Creations website
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector |
Line | Year of Friends |
Label | Gold |
Exclusivity | Barbie Signature Memnber |
Character | P.J. |
Release Date | August 25, 2023 (pre-order) ships on or before December 1, 2023 |
Designer(s) | Bill Greening |
Face Sculpt | Steffie |
Body Sculpt | Superstar |
Hair Type | N/A |
Height | N/A |
Hair Color | Brunette |
Eye Color | Brown |
SKU | #HJX24 |
Price | $55.00 |
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