Sources: Mattel (Great Britain) and Entertainment Earth.
“It’s time to get ready with Chelsea doll! Open up this closet playset to reveal a dreamy wardrobe packed with 15 pieces of clothes and accessories. Mix and match outfits to create four complete looks! With fun pieces like dresses, a kitty bike helmet, heart-shaped sunglasses, bunny slippers, and a sleep mask — kids can dress Chelsea doll from morning to night! Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.
- Get dressed with Chelsea doll and her dreamy closet playset!
- Open the closet to reveal 3 play areas, plus 15 pieces of adorable fashion accessories and clothing.
- Mix and match the clothes and accessories to create 4 complete looks for Chelsea doll!
- With fun pieces like dresses, a kitty bike helmet, heart-shaped sunglasses, bunny slippers, and a sleep mask, kids can dress Chelsea doll from morning to night.
- This dreamy closet toy set folds up for easy storage and on-the-go play with Chelsea!”- Mattel (Great Britain)
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Playline |
Line | Dream Closet |
Character | Chelsea |
Release Date | May, 2024 |
Designer(s) | Unknown |
Face Sculpt | Chelsea Smiley 2 |
Body Sculpt | Chelsea, 5 points of articulation |
Hair Type | Unknown |
Height | 6″ (15 cm) |
Hair Color | Blonde |
Eye Color | Blue |
UPC | Unknown |
Mattel SKU | HXN03 |
Price | $28.99 USD £32.99 GBP |
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