Barbie- Inspiring Women- Isabel Allende

Source(s): Mattel Creations.
“The Barbie Inspiring Women Series proudly honors author and activist Isabel Allende. Now one of the most widely read writers in the world, Isabel Allende first began raising her powerful voice while in exile from a military coup in her home country of Chile. She began a letter, that would become a book, that would become a lifetime of telling the stories of women and girls.
- Isabel Allende Barbie® Inspiring Women™ Doll
- Designer: Suim Noh
- Label: Black
- Face Sculpt: Collector Size HJW97
- Body Type: Gigi (articulated)
- Includes Certificate of Authenticity
Doll cannot stand alone. Doll stand included. Colors and decorations may vary. Purchase limits subject to change at the sole discretion of Mattel.
From September 11 at 9:00pm PT through September 12 at 8:59pm PT, only Barbie Signature members can buy this Inspiring Women Isabel Allende doll at, while supplies last. During this time, the doll may also be available at participating Target and Walmart locations, as well as,, and Doll cannot stand alone. Doll stand included. Colors and decorations may vary. Purchase limits subject to change at the sole discretion of Mattel.
©2024 Mattel “- Mattel Creations
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector |
Label | Black |
Line | Inspiring Women |
Exclusivity | Barbie Signature Membership (24 hours) |
Release Date | September 11, 2024 |
Designer(s) | Suim Noh |
Face Sculpt | Collector Size HJW97 |
Body Sculpt | Gigi (articulated) |
Hair Type | Unknown |
Height | Unknown |
Hair Color | Dirty blonde |
Eye Color | Brown |
UPC | Unknown |
Mattel SKU | HRM45 |
Price | $35.00 (USD) |
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