Source: Target, Mattel Canada (English), Mattel Global Customer Support, and Amazon Canada.
“With the Barbie doll art therapy playset, kids can draw up all kinds of ways to play! The themed set comes with Barbie therapist doll and a patient doll who has a unique feature — kids can rotate the emoji on the small doll’s shirt to help express her emotion. A total of 10 accessories, including an adorable kitten, art supplies and mood stickers, engage imaginations in storytelling and role-play as they explore careers in mental health. So many pieces make the set a great gift to inspire dreams and imaginations in kids 3 years old and up. Dolls cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.” – Target website
This doll is a part of the Art Therapy Playset.
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Playline |
Line | You Can Be Anything (Homepage) (2024) |
Exclusivity | Target |
Release Date | November 19, 2023 (Amazon Canada), March, 2024 (Target USA) |
Designer(s) | Unknown |
Face Sculpt | Unknown |
Body Sculpt | Unknown, 11 points of articulation |
Hair Type | Unknown |
Height | Unknown |
Hair Color | Brunette |
Eye Color | Brown |
UPC | Unknown |
Mattel SKU | HRG48 |
Price | $24.99 USD $39.99 CAD |
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