You Can Be Anything- Teacher (Brunette)

Sources: Amazon.
“Get ready to learn with the Barbie Teacher fashion doll! Barbie teaches her toddler student in her removable printed dress and shoes. The set includes stickers that you can place on the board to bring the teaching storytelling to life! With other classroom accessories like safety scissors, backpack, and a chair for the toddler student, imaginations can play out a world full of storytelling possibilities and career opportunities with this powerful doll, ready to inspire kids to be anything! Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.
- You can be a Teacher with the Barbie Teacher Set!
- This set includes Barbie and her adorable toddler doll student with classroom career-themed play pieces!
- With the teaching board accessory, Barbie can teach her student with the teaching-inspired sticker set.
- Other classroom accessories include a chair, backpack, safety scissors, glue, notebook, and a lunch plate.
- The doll and accessories set makes a great toy for kids 3 years old and up, especially those who love nurturing and leadership!”- Amazon
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Playline |
Line | You Can Be Anything (Homepage) (2024) |
Release Date | August 31, 2024 (Amazon) |
Designer(s) | Unknown |
Face Sculpt | Unknown |
Body Sculpt | Unknown |
Hair Type | Unknown |
Height | Unknown |
Hair Color | Brunette |
Eye Color | Grey |
UPC | Unknown |
Mattel SKU | JCR76 |
Price | $19.99 USD |
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