LineBarbie Ballet Wishes
Release Date12/24/2024
DesignerAngel Kent
Face Sculpt2022 Odile (Open Mouth)
Body SculptMisty Copeland/New Ballet Body. Ballerina Feet
Hair TypeSaran
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorBlue
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Back of the Box:

From classic ballet slippers to enchanting pointe shoes, Barbie Ballet Wishes doll celebrates every ballerina’s delightful moments on and off stage.

Stock Description:

This beautiful Barbie doll is recital-ready with a satiny ballerina costume in the prettiest shade of pink, and a matching multi-layered tulle skirt. A gorgeous glittering crown, pearl-like earrings, tights, and pink pointe shoes are the finishing touches. Flexible joints at the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, and knees inspire endless posing possibilities and stunning displays.

Concept Art:

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