Barbie doll and her friends are ready for the beach or pool in the trendiest swimwear under the sun. Barbie, Christie, Skipper, Teresa, and Lea dolls look cool in wave-patterned swimsuits with belted accents. Ken and Steven dolls wear coordinating shorts. Each doll comes with a cardboard kick board.
The Barbie Rio de Janeiro line was released in 2002 and discontinued in 2004 by Mattel. This line featured Barbie and her companions, Teresa, Lea, Christie, Skipper, Ken, and Steven with swimsuits and beach-themed accessories. This character is Christie, a Friend of Barbie.
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Playline |
Label | None |
Line | Rio de Janeiro |
Release Date | 2002 |
Character | Christie O’Neil |
Face Sculpt | 1990 Asha |
Body Sculpt | 1999 Belly Button |
Hair Type | Kanekalon |
Height | 11.5″ (29 cm) |
Hair Color | Black |
Eye Color | Brown |
Mattel SKU | 56881 |
UPC | 074299568817 |
Price | $20.00 USD |
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