Be Fashion Academy Cassie

BrandBe Fashion Academy
Ref. no.KH25/004
Release dateOctober 25 2023
Retail Cost$34.99
CompanyKids Hits
Body10 points of articulation
Hair TypePolypropylene (?)
Collect item (19)

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The Cosmic Crystal Queen

Fave Color: Lavender

Fashion Trend: Cosmic prints

Fave subject at the BF Academy: Clothing Culture

There’s a certain mystique about my extravagant designs. I get ideas of incredible outfits with a flash of insight and sometimes in prophetic dreams, so my creativity can really be called other-worldly. I become inspired by mystic coincidences and can turn fantasy into reality. I love observing brightly lit galaxies in deep space and the twinkle of shooting stars, and I know that one day I will solve the riddles of the universe. Everyone admits that my look is pure magic!

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