BFC Ink 10 inch Wave 1 Calista

BrandBFC Ink
Doll scale10 inch
Release year2009
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price $14.99
Body7 points of articulation (neck, shoulders, hips, ankles)

Every girl has a story, and now girls can join Addison, Kaitlin, Calista, Aliesha, and Noelle as they deal with life’s twists and turns together. The BFC ink. girls have very different personalities and by interacting with these characters’ stories and dolls, girls are reassured and inspired to articulate opinions, respect different ideas and boost their self esteem. BFC ink. tackles common real-life issues such as dealing with friend fall-outs, jealousy, troubles at home, and the environment, reminding girls of the importance of family and friends.

  • Cool accessories!
  • BFC ink. Book with lock and key
  • BFC ink. Membership card
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