NOTE: The stock photos show the doll having eight points of articulation, but the released versions feature the fourteen points of articulation as with the later 18 inch dolls.
Brand | BFC Ink |
Doll scale | 18 inch |
Character | Nicolette |
From… | Paris, France |
Release year | 2011 |
Company | MGA Entertainment |
Retail price | $19.99 |
Packaging style | Standing |
Body | 14 points of articulation (neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, torso, hips, knees, ankles) |
Join the BFC, Ink. girls as they make new friends from around the world. Check out their trendy new outfits. Find out more about each character’s unique personality, her native country and what is special about her city at the BFC, Ink. website.
- Brand-new multi-cultural doll
- New outfit
- Includes 1 doll, outfit, shoes, hair brush and membership card
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